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of pastors

For many pastors, quality theological resources and training are out of reach. Finances are lacking for tools that the pastors need to deepen their understanding of the Bible and enhance their ministry skills. Books for Pastors provides pastors with resources and training to help them grow in their faith and ministry.

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Rediscovering the Heart of Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? For many, Christmas has become a whirlwind of shopping, decorating, and endless to-do lists. Somewhere in the hustle, we might find ourselves wondering: What is this all really about?

The truth is, what we believe about Christmas shapes how we experience it. If we reduce it to presents, parties, or even just warm family traditions, we risk missing the true beauty of this season. Christmas isn’t just a feel-good holiday; it’s the celebration of God stepping into our world to rescue us.

But if our understanding of the Bible is fuzzy, we can...