You can learn a lot about an organization by the things they believe, and the Bible verses that support them. We hope you are encouraged by our beliefs, and that you share them yourself!
There is one God who created and sustains everything in the universe, is present everywhere and exists from eternity past to eternity future in the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each having the attributes of deity and characteristics of a living person.
The Bible was given by God as He intended and it is trustworthy and without error in the original writings, preserved forever, to reveal His will for our salvation and life.
Every person, made in the image of God, is under the wrath of God because of Adam’s sin, deserving spiritual death, having no other hope than the salvation given freely by Jesus the Christ to make us a new creation.
Jesus Christ was born a human baby after the miracle of His virgin conception, and that He is also God who lived a sinless life and voluntarily paid the complete debt for the sins of all people by dying on the cross as a substitute – something that only God could do – conquering the power of death by His resurrection, so that we might be raised up to be with Him forever.
The Holy Spirit, the third person of God, convicts the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment, drawing sinners to Christ. Believers are then better able to understand the richness of God’s Word through the Spirit’s enlightenment, are led to act by the fruit of the Spirit and are enabled to live holy lives using special gifts to promote unity of the church and to serve one another.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return in a visible, bodily form—recognizable to all—to resurrect and judge all people alive and dead, and to set up His kingdom in which believers will reign with him until this world is burned up and changed, bringing a new Heaven and a new Earth, where God will dwell with Man. It will be glorious, with no more death or pain.